Advanced Search

when searching on google ‘ancestry’: ads official ancestry website twitter account of ancestry when searching ‘’: some other ancestry websites appear the ‘link:’ part tells the search engine to search only for links that are relevant to ancestry websites when searching only websites with the words ‘’ appear when searching other ancestry websites […]

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Currency when the information published or last updated   is the information up to date when was it posted Relevance Does the information answer your research question is the information relevant to the topic Accuracy does the information stay on topic is it up to date Authority does the author have any other posts on […]

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Data Management

Files and Folders Files: collection of data stored in one unit store data can range from a few bytes to several gigabytes documents, programs, libraries, and other compilations of data examples: PDF, JPEG, GIF, BMP can be opened, saved, deleted, and moved to different folders can be transferred across network collections and downloaded from the […]

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Pokémon Go

For: 1. Maxwell Jeffery is an authority may be biased because he knows quite a bit about Pokémon 2. Chris Burns is an authority may be biased because he has other posts about Pokémon 3. Lisa Quinones-Fontanez not an authority no other posts on Pokémon Against: 1. Riley Little is an authority may be bias because […]

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My Rental

Rental Property location: 15 Iceberg Way Darch WA 6065 Cost p/w: $420 Why I Chose This Property: I chose this property because it is close to shops, friends and family. The house is big enough for more than two person. It is also easy to maintain the plants/garden and it is across the road from a park. […]

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