Bits and Bytes

11110000 = byte (8 digits is one byte)

4 bits are called a nibble

bits is represented as bps (lower case b)
byte is represented as Bps (upper case B)

8 Mbps = 1MBps

For network speeds, work better in buts per second (kilobits, megabits etc. -Kbps, Mbps)
For storage works in bytes – 1 terabyte hard drive, 3 megabyte photo

MyNetPhone, iinet, Optus, TG – ISP (Internet Service Provider)

They are the company that connects you to the internet
your modem will connect you ISP’s modem

Quota/Included data:

Vodaphone – 3G (8GB quota)
Telstra – 4G (2MB quota)

Quota is how much you can download form the internet
If you have 8GB of quota, you can download 8GB worth of movies per month

8 Gigabytes = 8,000 Megabytes = 8,000,000 Kilobytes = 8,000,000,000 Bytes

Convert the speed from Megabits to Megabytes

To convert anything bits to bytes, divide by 8:

80 Mbps =10 MBps
1MBps = 0.25 MBPS

To convert anything bytes to bits, multiply by 8:
1 MBps = 8 Mbps
100 MB = 800 Mb

Byte/Bit = 1
Kilo = 1,000
Mega = 1,000,000
Giga = 1,000,000,000
Tera = 1,000,000,000,000
Peta = 1,000,000,000,000,000



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